Security Deposits.
We know what you're thinking... yeah right. No one ever gets their security deposit back! For some management companies, this may be true.
But not us! We WANT you to get 100% of your security deposit back. In fact, before you move out, we will give you a check list to make sure you have had time to get everything squared away prior to a move-out inspection. We will even walk through the townhome with you to discuss damages right then and there.
Why would we want to give you all your money back?
Well here's the better question, why wouldn't we want to reward you for being a stellar tenant that kept good care of the apartment? We would LOVE to give everyone 100% of their deposit back, because this means they have been an amazing tenant, and have treated the community with respect. And, its less work for us too if you leave the place nice!
So, moral of the story is keep the place nice, take some time when you are moving out to fix any minor problems, and we will gladly give you all of your deposit back!!
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Lee Manor Townhomes
246 West Main Street | Norwalk, OH | 44857 | [email protected]
Managed by MSW Properties, LLC